Our philosophy is centered on fostering a fulfilling inner life and projecting a striking outward appearance. We endorse and facilitate a wholesome way of living, motivating our clients to attain their optimal physical and mental states.
Our Non-Invasive Body Contouring Services includes an array of options such as fat reduction, cellulite treatment, skin firming, and numerous other benefits. In addition, our products are vegan, ensuring that our clients not only achieve their desired physical results but also align with their ethical preferences.
We believe in delivering the best of both worlds - beauty, and wellness, without compromising on our values!
Are you getting frustrated with a "muffin top" or some extra "fluff"? Have you been working tirelessly in the gym and/or counting calories/macros and still cannot get the results you want?
Nonsurgical/non-invasive body contouring is a procedure used to naturally assist the body in reducing pockets of stubborn fat that may be resisting diet or exercise regimen. Our nonsurgical body contouring services are available to help you shape and contour your body to appear more toned and shapelier.
*Disclaimer: These services are not a medically invasive procedures, and results are achieved through a series of sessions.
Book a consultation so our practitioners can discuss your body goals in detail and develop a money-saving package for you.
*Not Required*
Condition, detoxify, tone and tighten skin, and even take inches off your frame almost instantly.
$99/Full-Body/45-Minute Session - Choose from Ultra-Hydrating, Anti-Inflammatory, Pain-Relieving, Skin Healing or Cellulite Reduction.
Full-Body/60-Minute Session - Ultra-Hydrating with Mini-Facial or Scalp High-Frequency Facial
Targeted red light therapy, helps smooth cellulite and shapes the body by targeting inch loss in a particular area.
1 Treatment Area/60-Minute Session
Treatment Areas: Stomach, Love Handles, Arms, Back (Bra Bulge), Buttocks, Jawline
(Double-Chin), and Outer or Inner Thighs
*A minimum of 6+ treatments are recommended for optimal results.
Non-invasive buttock enhancement, also known as Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), designed to provide a firmer, plumper, perkier, larger, and rounder appearance to the buttocks. Also detoxes and reduces the appearance of cellulite.
1 Treatment/60-Minute Session60-Minute Session
*A minimum of 6+ treatments are recommended for optimal results.
By applying heat to the tissue and activating the subdermal layers, Radio Frequency treatments promote skin thickening, resulting in a reduction of stretch marks and a noticeable improvement in skin firmness and tightness.
1 Treatment Area/30-Minute Session
Treatment Areas: Stomach, Love Handles, Arms (Both), Back (Bra Bulge), Buttocks, and Outer or Inner Thighs
*A minimum of 6+ treatments are recommended for optimal results.
Vacuum Therapy with RF is an effective method that stimulates muscles, breaks down cellulite and fat deposits, eliminates toxins, and enhances lymphatic drainage. This technique aids in restoring the skin's natural elasticity.
1 Treatment Area/30-Minute Session
Treatment Areas: Stomach, Love Handles, Arms (Both), Back (Bra Bulge), Buttocks, Front or Back of Legs, and Outer or Inner Thighs
*A minimum of 6+ treatments are recommended for optimal results.
Ultrasound Cavitation procedure uses ultrasound to break down fat cells and cellulite without affecting nearby organs. This fat blasting treatment can be performed every 72 hours.
1 Treatment Area/30-Minute Session
Treatment Areas: Stomach, Love Handles, Back (Bra Bulge), Arms, Buttocks, Hips and Outer or Inner Thighs
*A minimum of 6+ treatments are recommended for optimal results.
At Lavana Connection, our mission is to provide our clients with the highest quality body contouring services. We understand that every body is unique, so our packages must be too!
Schedule your free consult to discuss your body contouring needs today!
Please reach us at lavanaconnection@gmail.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
People with cardiac and vascular diseases, diabetes, acute illness, comprised liver function, severe bleeding tendencies, Aids, Cancer, pacemakers, metal in their body, and women who are pregnant, or breastfeeding should avoid undergoing these procedures! If you have any conditions under question, you must consult your physician prior to treatment.
We recommend you exercise prior to treatment or adding on a sauna session in order to get your blood pumping for the best results. Be sure to drink plenty of water before arrival (but not too much). If applicable, wear comfortable form-fitting clothing for the Fit3D scan as it is used to measure your progress.
Try to avoid doing anything that will irritate your skin immediately before treatment. This includes tanning (natural or artificial). It would be more likely to suffer pain from the addition of heat to the already damaged skin; however, an established tan would be fine.
Clients on their menstrual cycles should avoid getting ultrasound cavitation treatments as their body is undergoing stress and hormonal shifts. Additionally, they will not achieve the best results due to increased water retention and bloating and the treatment could potentially be uncomfortable for them.
Ultrasonic cavitation is an FDA-approved non-surgical fat reduction procedure that uses 40 kHz to 5 MHz of sound waves to destroy fat cells in targeted areas. The sound wave can be specifically applied to areas of the body so that the subcutaneous fat cells are destroyed by a number of microscopic implosions. When the fat cell is destroyed it becomes a liquid combination of free fatty acids and glycerol, the former of which are moved to the liver where they simply decay, and the latter of which is transported into the circulatory system where it can be used as energy.
Typically, the areas that can be treated with ultrasound cavitation are the arms, stomach, love handles/flanks, buttocks, and thighs.
You may experience a slight ringing or buzzing in the ear during the treatment as the sound waves penetrate the body. This sound is only heard by the client when the Ultrasound Cavitation applicator is turned on and on the skin. It stops when the applicator is taken off the skin.
Radiofrequency treatments deliver an electrical current via electrodes to the skin, in order to heat the deep and superficial layers. When our skin receives a high-frequency electrical current the cells in our bodies interpret this as an energy source and the layers in our skin act like a resistor to the electrical current and depending on their level of resistance, will heat up to varying degrees.
The local heating causes an immediate contraction of the collagen fibers and fat cells to drain and then shrink, while those all-important fibroblasts are stimulated to produce new collagen and elastic fibers. The effect of this is tighter, smoother, younger-looking skin with a visible ‘lift’. Fat cells are reduced, and stubborn cellulite looks a lot less noticeable.
While radio frequency skin tightening has a lower instance of side effects than other cosmetic and non-invasive procedures, there are still risks involved.
Radio Frequency is ideal to treat the face, neck, arms, inner and outer thighs, male breasts, pubic mound, buttocks, knees, hips, and abdomen.
RF is an effective way to improve skin tightness and elasticity, reduce wrinkles and cellulite, boosting the overall condition on areas of the body such as the face, chin, upper arm, abdomen, thighs, bra line or buttocks.
People who are generally healthy are safe to have the treatment
People with cardiac and vascular diseases, diabetes, acute illness, comprised liver function, severe bleeding tendencies, pacemaker carriers and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid undergoing the procedure.
Cavitation and RF is a painless treatment. Mild redness may appear occasionally but will be highly unlikely to cause any actual pain. The heat from the hand pieces felt during the treatment is perfectly tolerable.
Ultra Cavitation is a safe, nonsurgical procedure without anesthesia, it is non-invasive, no cutting, no scars and no downtime should be experienced after the treatment. Due to specific ultrasound parameters of energy levels ensure selective damage to fat cells only and do not interfere with any other organs. There is no report of side effects for these treatments. However, some people may experience transient redness, excessive thirst, and nausea immediately after the treatment which always resolves by drinking water. They are all short-term effects that will disappear shortly.
The cavitation treatment yields immediate and long-lasting results. Ultra cavitation is a very effective procedure that requires only 6-10 treatments consisting of 15-20 minutes each. Most of the clients experience noticeable circumference reduction after a single session with increasing results after each visit. The results may vary with different tissue structure, treatment area, age, metabolism, medications, and changes in hormones. Proper diet and increased physical activity will certainly improve and help to maintain the results.
Areas with localized fat such as thighs, abdomen, arms and buttocks where diet and exercise alone have not been able to get rid of are the most appropriate but there is no real limitation as to areas of the body.
Cavitation is not a method to lose weight but to reshape the body. It is particularly indicated for the reduction of adiposity, like the famous “love handles” "Mummy tummy" . Ultrasonic cavitation can be considered a deep fat blaster that reduces stubborn fat cells that cannot be removed with exercise and diet alone.
The Ultrasonic Cavitation has the similar result as liposuction. It removes cellulite and excess fat. preventing this from recurring in the treated areas, without damaging the vascular system. The procedure is painless and is very inexpensive compared to the thousands of dollars you could spend on liposuction.
The ultrasound cavitation causes an emulsification of fat, it ruptures the fat cell membrane, thereby releasing its fat content, converting it into a substance easy to eliminate through sweat gland, liver sausage circulation, lymphatic system which eventually eliminate through urine.
Ultrasound Cavitation: 6-10 sessions spaced 3 days apart for the first 3 sessions, then once a week.
Skin Tightening: 6-10 sessions spaced 3 days apart for the first 3 sessions, then once a week.
After the initial treatments are completed, maintenance treatments consist of one session each month for 4 months followed by one treatment every 4 months
Vacuum Therapy is great as a stand-alone treatment for cellulite and for reducing small deposits of fat. The treatment leaves your skin immediately smoother and firmer. Vacuum Therapy is the number one body contouring accelerator.
Vacuum suction treatment is applied to the surface of the skin tissue causing lift and stimulating muscles, breaking down cellulite and fatty deposits, eliminating toxins, improving lymphatic drainage, and taking inches off. Vacuum therapy also helps restore the skin's natural elasticity to smooth the appearance of dimpling in the thighs and buttocks. This therapy is painless, safe, and highly effective. Lymph fluid transports metabolic waste and fatty materials via the lymph nodes and lymphatic system. Vacuum suction improves lymphatic and blood circulation. Since the dead skin is reduced there will be a great improvement in the skin textures. Fat deposits in the parts of the body will be improved.
The side effects of Vacuum Therapy are minor.
Vacuum therapy for butts enlarge and tone your buttocks in weeks. This procedure involves two suction cups being attached to each buttock. You need anywhere from 4 to 10 sessions for a firmer, plumper, perkier, larger, and rounder BUTT! The benefits of butt cupping are great! The procedure promotes blood circulation, clearance of toxins, and removes cellulite and clumpy fatty deposits. It reshapes and contours your butt. One treatment is equal to 1,500 squats.
The Brazilian Butt Lift procedure is completely non-surgical, so typically your client can return to normal activities immediately, and oftentimes, clients return to work after the session is over.
May cause mild:
Maderoterapia otherwise known as "Wood Therapy" is growing hot trend that can sculpt the body you've always wanted. Wood Sculpting tools are made specifically to manipulate and restructure fatty tissues, loosen tight and tired muscles and smooth out cellulite naturally. Trained therapists use a series of repetitive movements to speed up metabolism and sculpt and tone the body. The method involves bringing circulation to target areas with applied smoothing deep pressure and movements that lead to rapid break-down of fat and cellulite. Stimulates such things as metabolism and lymphatic drainage. Great for Pre and Post Lyposuction!
May cause mild:
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